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发布日期:2015-09-23 来源:bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站 编辑: 点击:





1、隧道围岩现场监测与稳定性评价,超前预报,围岩分级,围岩爆破技术,偏压隧道围岩、支护结构稳定性及施工方法,隧道围岩冻融损伤机制研究。 2、桩基质量检测,桩基后压浆技术,桩基承载力自平衡测试及模拟试验评价方法研究。 3、季冻区草炭土工程地质特性研究,线路工程对季冻区草炭土湿地环境影响效应研究,软土路基变形与稳定性研究,填挖交界路基变形与稳定性研究。 4、边坡稳定性评价,滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、地面塌陷、地面沉降等地质灾害研究。


1.Hong Wang , Lei Nie , Yan Xu ,Yan Lv. The Effect of Highway on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soil in Turfy Swamps,Northeastern China, Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2017 , 228 (8) :292 (SCI). 2.Nie Lei, Huang Yaolong, Lv Yan, Xu Yan, Wang Zhifan. Evolution Pattern of Engineered Road Turfy Soil Examined by Inversion and Analytic Hierarchy Process,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2017, 16(9):2173-2180. (SCI) 3.Nie Lei,Li Zechuang,Zhang Min,Deformation character and stability analysis of the landslide caused by the mining activity a case study in the West Open-Pit mine, China,Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association,2016,22(1A): 1001-1013.(SCI) 4.Nie Lei, Li Zechuang, Lv Yan, Wang Hongfei, A new prediction model for rock slope failure time: a case study in West Open-Pit mine, Fushun, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2017,76(4):975-988.(SCI) 5.Nie Lei, Wang Hongfei, Xu Yan,Application of the arc tangent function model in the prediction of ground mining subsidence deformation: a case study from Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China .Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2017,76(4):1983-1398. (SCI) 6.Nie Lei, Huang Yaolong, Xu Yan,Distribution and evolutionary of turfy soil identified by remote-sensing images based on fuzzy evaluation,Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017,76(13):14635-14651. (SCI) 7.Zhang Min,Nie Lei,Li Zechuang, Xu Yan.Fuzzy multi-objective and groups decision method in optimal selection of landslide treatment scheme,Cluster Computing,2017,20(2): 1303-1312. (SCI)   8.Lei Nie, HongfeiWang, Yan Xu, Zechuang li. A new prediction model for mining subsidence deformation: arc tangent function model. Natural Hazards, 2015,75(3): 2185-2198. (SCI) 9.Zhang Min, Nie Lei, Xu Yan, Dai Shulin, A thrust load-caused landslide triggered by excavation of the slope toe: a case study of the Chaancun Landslide in Dalian City,China,Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015.9.01,8(9):6555~65656. (SCI) 10.Shen Shiwei ,Nie Lei,Dai Shulin,Xu Yan,Zhang Min,Yan Lv,Motion characteristics of rolling rocks in Mujialiang collapse caused by the magnitude 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2015.12.01,(12):10267~10276.(SCI) 11.Nie Lei, Li Zechuang, Zhang Min, Xu Lina. Deformation characteristics and mechanism of the landslide in West Open-Pit Mine, Fushun, China. Arab J Geosci, 2015,8(7): 4457-4468.(SCI) 12.Nie Lei ,Su zhangdong. Study on mineral distribution of peat soil in northeast China .Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , 25 (18) :10150-10152 .(SCI) 13.Lei Nie, Yan Lv, Miao Li. Influence of Organic Content and Degree of Decomposition on the Engineering Properties of a Peat Soil in Northeast China, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2012 , 45 (4) :435-446.(SCI) 14.Xu Lina, Nie Lei, Yanxin Yu, Study on Formation Mechanism of Gunmaling Debris Flow in China. Disaster Advances, 2012 , 5 (4) :1059-1062.(SCI) 15.Nie Lei, Zhang Min, JianHeqing. Analysis of surface subsidence mechanism and regularity under the influene of seism and fault, Natural Hazards, 2013 , 66 (2) :773-780.(SCI) 16.Lei Nie, Min Zhang ,Shiwei Shen. Geological Environment and Slope Failure Mode in Southeast Region of Jilin Province,China. Disaster Advances, 2013 , 6 :73-80.(SCI) 17.Li Yan,Nie Lei, Wang Bo, A numerical simulation of the temperature cracking propagation process when pouring mass concrete. Automation in Construction, 2014 , 37 (1) :203-210.( SCI) 18.Lei Nie ,Tong Wang, Anlysis of shear test on pile-soil interface, Chemical Engineering Transactions,2015,(64):727-732.(EI) 19.Lei Nie ,Tong Wang, The influence characteristics of the ground deformation on the north slope in Fushun west open-pit mine producted by Hunhe active faults ,International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering,2015. 8(4):1694-1698.(EI) 20..Lei Nie ,Tong Wang, Study on the preparation of silica using residues of oil shale ,Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers,2015. 64(7-8):347-352.(EI) 21.Xin Chai, Lei Nie, Wenfei Mao, Min Zhang. Sensibility Analysis of the Wen Zhutang Landslide Stability Based on Grey Correlation Analysis, International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering Innovation (ASEI 2015) .(EI) 22.Xu Yan, Nie Lei*, Zhang Min, Wang Tong, Wang Jiaxin, Risk Assessment of the Chaancun Debris Flow Gully and Mitigative Measures in Dalian City, China, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering,2016, 9(6):2480~2485.(EI) 23.Nie Lei ,Zhang Han, Su Zhandong, Yang Xuran. Normalized investigation of the peat soil in seasonal frozen region, Energy Education Science and Technology,2013, 31(1): 381-384. (EI) 24.朱福,佴磊, 战高峰,王静,软土地基路堤临界填筑高度改进计算方法,bwin官网登录入口学报(工学版,2015 , 45 (2) :389-393 (EI) 25.张敏,佴磊,郭源,吕岩.断层对采空区地表沉降影响的模拟研究,bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2012 , 42 (6) :1834-1838( EI) 26.安玉科,佴磊.冻融循环作用下节理岩体锚固性能退化机理和模式. bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版), 2012 , 42 (2) :462-467.( EI) 27.佴 磊,苏占东,徐丽娜,杨旭然,中国主要沼泽草炭土的形成环境及分布特征,bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版), 2012 , 42 (5) :1477-1484.( EI) 28.沈世伟,佴磊,徐燕,不同权重条件下降雨对边坡稳定性影响的二级模糊综合评判,bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2012,42(3):776-781.(EI) 29.吕岩,佴磊,徐燕,刘飞,张敏,有机质对草炭土物理力学性质影响的机理分析,岩土工程学报, 2011.4.15,(04):655~660(EI) 30.沈世伟,佴磊,徐燕,准等时距QGM(1,1)模型分段预测法及其在草炭土路基沉降预测中的应用,bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011.7.26,(04):1098~1103(EI) 31.张以晨,佴磊,沈世伟,王洁玉.反倾层状岩质边坡倾倒破坏力学模型[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011,41(S1):207-213.(EI) 32.张以晨,佴磊,孟凡奇,王延亮,王洁玉,王立春.基于最优组合赋权理论的可拓学评价模型的应用[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011,41(04):1110-1115+1135.(EI) 33.安玉科,佴磊.关键块体系统锚固法在加固边坡危岩中的应用[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011,41(03):764-770.(EI) 34.佴磊,彭文,袁明哲,周能娟.基于经验模态分解和加权最小二乘支持向量机的采空区地面塌陷预测[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011,41(03):799-804.(EI) 35.刘飞,佴磊,吕岩,徐丽娜.草炭土路基填筑过程力学特性试验[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011,41(02):505-510.(EI) 36.沈世伟,佴磊.吉林地区草炭土物理力学指标相关性试验研究[J].公路,2010(03):116-120. 37.佴磊,王日勖.地理信息滑坡监测预报系统及其在抚顺西露天矿滑坡中的应用[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2010,40(06):1359-1364.(EI) 38.沈世伟,佴磊.吉林市绕城高速公路倾倒边坡破坏机制及稳定性评价[J].铁道建筑,2010(03):71-73. 39.刘飞,佴磊,吕岩,张敏.分解度对草炭土结构特征及强度的影响试验[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2010,40(06):1395-1400.(EI) 40.刘柱,佴磊.吉林地区草炭土物理力学指标相关性试验研究[J].水文地质工程地质,2010,37(04):53-57. 41.郑百功,佴磊,汪茜,陆威.公路隧道围岩稳定性评价软件开发与应用[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2010,40(05):1133-1139.(EI) 42.佴磊,彭文,袁明哲,周能娟.基于经验模态分解和加权最小二乘支持向量机的采空区地面塌陷预测[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2011,41(03):799-804.(EI) 出版教材及专著5部: 1.佴磊,徐燕,代树林,《边坡工程》科学出版社 2.肖树芳,杨淑碧,佴磊,张敏,林锋,《岩体力学》地质出版社 3.佴磊,于清杨,《岩土工程数值法》,bwin官网登录入口出版社出版 4.佴磊,王常明,《工程地质计算机制图理论与方法》 5.佴磊,唐辉明,汪发武,《工程地质计算程序总集》


1.佴磊,一种滑坡监测数据对数拟合的预测预报方法,国家发明专利:ZL 201510157652.0 2.佴磊,滑坡时间中短期预报方法,国家发明专利:ZL201310641322.X 3.佴磊,一种开采沉陷变形预测预报方法,国家发明专利:ZL201410134224.1 4.佴磊,全自动旋转薄壁式切土器,国家发明专利:ZL201310571742.5 5.佴磊,棚硐硐顶防崩塌落石装配式橡胶消能板防护结构,实用新型专利:ZL 201621400873.2 6.张晗,乔道勇,李泽闯,佴磊等, 多段旋转薄式取土器,实用新型专利:ZL201220632632.6


获奖: (1)“泥化夹层强度及蠕变特性研究”,1992年获吉林省教委科技进步二等奖,第二获奖人。 (2)“抚顺西露天矿北帮变形与稳定性研究”,1994年,地矿部科技三等奖,第一获奖人。 (3)“井采区活动影响下抚顺西露天矿北帮变形与稳定研究”,1994年,地矿部级三等奖,第一获奖人。 (4)“上海浦东新区优质地下水合理开发应用实施方案”,1996年,地矿部科技进步二等奖,第二获奖人。 (5)“上海浦东地面沉降研究”,1996年,地矿部科技三等奖,第二获奖人。 (6)“平庄矿务局元宝山露天煤矿防渗帷幕墙对边坡稳定性影响研究”,1998年,地矿部级三等奖,第一获奖人。 (7)“防渗帷幕墙作用下元堡山露天矿边破稳定性分析”,1998年,地矿部科技进步三等奖,第一获奖人。 (8)“草炭土地区公路建设技术研究”,2007获中国公路协会科学技术奖一等奖。 (9)“填挖交界路基变形与稳定机理研究”,2008年获得吉林省科技进步三等奖,第二获奖人。 (10)“季冻区软土路基沉降研究”,2010年获得吉林省公路学会科学技术奖二等奖,第二获奖人。 (11)1993年“岩体力学学科建设”获国家教委二等奖,第四获奖人。 荣誉:  吉林省省管优秀专家;  吉林省优秀教师;  吉林省优秀留学生教师;  获国务院政府特殊津贴;  bwin官网登录入口师德先进个人.

