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发布日期:2015-09-23 来源:bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站 编辑: 点击:




1997年6月本科毕业于长春科技大学(原长春地质学院)勘察工程系勘察工程专业,2000年6月硕士毕业于bwin官网登录入口勘察工程系地质工程专业,2005年12月博士毕业于bwin官网登录入口勘察工程系地质工程专业(在职攻读)。2007年12月至2013年9月在bwin官网登录入口农业工程博士后流动站从事科研工作。2010年9月至2011年9月在美国Los Alamos国家实验室做访问学者。2000年6月留校工作,2008年9月晋升副教授,2009年3月被选聘为硕士研究生导师,2016年9月晋升教授,2016年12月被选聘为博士研究生指导教师。2002年9月至2009年4月任bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站勘察工程系秘书,2009年4月至2012年12月任bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站勘察工程系副主任,2012年12月至2020年12月任bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站副院长。


办公室:长春市西民主大街938号 bwin官网登录入口朝阳校区钻采实验楼515室    

联系电话:18686693496, E-mail: liubc@jlu.edu.cn




1. 675型双向传输短节结构、工装及关键零部件设计优化,中海油田服务股份有限公司横向项目,2020.09-2021.09,109万元,在研,主持。

2. 天然气水合物地下加热与置换开采器具,国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项“天然气水合物勘查开发技术联合研究”(SQ2018YFE020424)项目子课题,51万元,2020.01-2022.12,在研,子课题负责人。

3. 超硬材料的失效机理与微观结构及物性调控规律研究,中国石油天然气集团公司关键核心技术重大科技攻关项目“超硬耐研磨材料与自适应钻头研发”子课题,2020.09-2023.12,300万元,在研,子课题负责人。

4. 高可靠性铝合金钻杆智能制造关键技术(20180201054GX),吉林省科技发展计划重点科技研发项目,2018.1.1-2020.12.31,100万元,在研,主持。

5. 铝合金钻杆在钻井液中的腐蚀行为与腐蚀机理研究(20170101159JC),吉林省科技发展计划自然科学基金项目,2017.1.1-2019.12.31,10万元,完成验收,主持。

6. 纳米材料弥散强化钻探用孕镶金刚石钻头研究(980275),吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术项目研究规划项目,2017.9-2019.12,5万元,完成,主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41572357),硬岩钻探用金刚石复合片的仿生设计及强韧化机理,2016.1.1-2019.12.31,62万元,完成,主持。

8. 吉林省发改委项目子课题(3J113BB34424),油页岩局部化学反应法地下原位裂解关键技术研究,2013/07-2016/07,100万元,完成,主持。

9. 国家国际科技合作专项项目(2013DFR70490),深部油气钻探用高性能钻具系统关键技术合作研究,2013/04-2016/04,435万元,完成,第二负责人。

10. 吉林省科技厅重点项目(20130206023GX),深井油气钻探用铝合金钻杆关键制造技术,2013/01-2015/12,20万元,完成,第一参加人。

11. 教育部财政部跃升计划“国家潜在油气资源(油页岩勘探开发利用)产学研用合作创新项目”子课题,(22110BH64424),油页岩层地下原位压裂贯通技术试验,2009/12-2012/12,42万元,已结题,主持。

12. 教育部财政部跃升计划“国家潜在油气资源(油页岩勘探开发利用)产学研用合作创新项目”子课题(2G911H064424),地下油页岩层地下贯通技术和原位破碎技术2009/12-2012/12,105万元,已结题,主持。

13. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(200902487),硬岩钻进用仿生结构金刚石复合片及钻头研究,2009/06-2011/06,10万元,已结题,主持。

14. 科技部863项目滚动课题(2009AA06Z201),硬岩钻井用高效耐磨仿生金刚石复合钻头的研制,2009/01-2013/01,100万元,已结题,主要参加人。

15. 43批中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目(20080430158),土壤洞穴动物趾形仿生钻头研究,2008/06-2010/06,5万元,已结题、主持。

16. 科技部863重点项目子课题(2007AA060701),长寿命仿生金刚石绳索取心钻头研制,2007/06-2010/12,25万元,已结题,主要参加人。

17. 科技部863项目(2006AA06Z221),硬岩钻进用仿生金刚石复合钻头及钻进技术,2007/01-2009/01,96万元,已结题,主要参加人。

18. 钻头用高耐磨性Ni3Al基体-金刚石复合材料的研制(450060445200),bwin官网登录入口基本科研业务费,2011-2013,5万元,已结题,负责人。

19. 油气钻井用高效耐磨仿生钻头研究,吉林省科技厅重点项目,2008-2010,鉴定为国际领先水平,主要参加人。

20. 金刚石—硬质合金复合柱齿及钻头的研究,原地矿部“九五”重点科技攻关项目,排名第四,该项目已通过部级验收。

21. 金刚石加强潜孔锤钻头的研制,吉林省科委新产品开发项目,排名第四,该项目已通过吉林省科委鉴定,为国内领先水平。

22. 金刚石复合片抗冲击性能测定仪的开发,横向课题,已在国内10余家超硬材料企业得到应用,负责人。


1. 本科生教学:



2. 研究生教学:




[1] 张祖培,刘宝昌. 碎岩工程学,地质出版社,2004年11月;

[2] 孙友宏,张祖培,刘宝昌.水文水井钻井与成井新技术,地质出版社,2004年12月。


[1] Weiguo Zhang, Yunlong Zhang, Baochang Liu*. Hybrid effect of basalt fiber and carbon fiber on the mechanical properties and microstructure of oil well cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2021 (accepted)

[2] Linkai He, Youhong Sun, Qingnan Meng, Baochang Liu, Jinhao Wu, Xuliang Zhang. Enhanced Oxidation properties of ZrB2-SiC composite with short carbon fibers at 1600°C. Ceramics International, (accepted)

[3] Shuai Zhang, Bao Chang Liu, Mei Xuan Li, Hui Yuan Wang, Yin Long Ma. Effect of Microstructures and Textures on Different Surfaces on Corrosion Behavior of an as-Extruded ATZ411 Magnesium Alloy Sheet. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), Published: 09 February 2021

[4] Shujing Wang, Yue Zhu, Volodymyr Bondarenko, Andrii Dreus, Jinqiang Liang, Baochang Liu*. Design and numerical simulation of a microwave antenna with coaxial slots for preventing secondary formation of gas hydrate. E3S Web of Conferences 230, 01008 (2021)

[5] Andrii Dreus, Oleksandr Gubin, Volodymyr Bondarenko, Roman Lysenko, Baochang Liu. An approximate approach to estimation of dissociation rate of gas hydrate in porous rock bed. E3S Web of Conferences 230, 0100 (2021)

[6] Zhaoran Chen, Dejiang Ma, Shanmin Wang, Pinwen Zhu, Qiang Tao, Baochang Liu*. Enhanced thermal and mechanical performance of polycrystalline diamond compact by introducing polycrystalline cubic boron nitride at the grain boundaries. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 96 (2021) 105468

[7] Zhaoran Chen, Dejiang Ma, Shanmin Wang, Wenhao Dai, Pinwen Zhu, Yiqing Zhu, Baochang Liu*. Wear resistance and thermal stability enhancement of PDC sintered with Ticoated diamond and cBN. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 92 (2020) 105278

[8] Zhaoran Chen, Dejiang Ma, Shanmin Wang, Wenhao Dai, Siqi Li, Yiqing Zhu, Baochang Liu*. Effects of graphene addition on mechanical properties of polycrystalline diamond compact. Ceramics International 46 (2020) 11255–11260

[9] Youhong Sun, Jinhao Wu, Linkai He, Baochang Liu, Chi Zhang, Qingnan Meng, Xuliang Zhang. Influence of B4C coating on graphitization for diamond/WC-Fe-Ni composite. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 88 (2020) 105208

[10] Wenhao Dai, Shuai Zhang, Yue Zhu, Shujing Wang, Kun Bi, Baochang Liu*. Effects of sintering parameters and WC addition on properties of iron-nickel pre-alloy matrix diamond composites, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 993, (2020), pp 739-746

[11] Anatolii Kozhevnykov1, Volodymyr Khomenko, Baochang Liu, Oleksandr Kamyshatskyi, Oleksandr Pashchenko. The history of gas hydrates studies: From laboratory curiosity to a new fuel alternative,Key Engineering Materials, (2020), 844, pp. 49-64

[12] Xiaolong Ma, Youhong Sun, Baochang Liu, Wei Guo, Rui Jia, Bing Li,Shengli Li. Numerical study of depressurization and hot water injection for gas hydrate production in China’s first offshore test site. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 83 (2020) 103530

[13] Volodymyr Bondarenko, Olena Svietkina, Kostiantyn Prokopenko, Baochang Liu. An innovative method for creating and using nanoparticles for gas extraction from gas hydrates. E3S Web of Conferences 123, 01003 (2019)

[14] Siqi Li, Wenhao Dai, Zhe Han, Xinzhe Zhao, Baochang Liu*. Effect of deep cryogenic treatment on microstructure and properties of sintered Fe-Co-Cu-based diamond composites, Applied Sciences, (2019), 9, 3353

[15] A. Bulat, B. Blyuss, A. Dreus, B. Liu, S. Dziuba. Modelling of deep wells thermal modes. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Volume 13 (2019), Issue 1, pp. 58-65

[16] Xin Cao, Anatolii Kozhevnykov, Andrii Dreus, Bao-Chang Liu*. Diamond core drilling process using intermittent flushing mode. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. (2019) 12:137

[17] Youhong Sun, Chi Zhang, Jinhao Wu, Qingnan Meng, Baochang Liu, Ke Gao, Linkai He. Enhancement of oxidation resistance via titanium boron carbide coatings on diamond particles. Diamond & Related Materials 92 (2019) 74–80.

[18] Siqi Li, Zhe Han, Qingnan Meng, Xinzhe Zhao, Xin Cao and Baochang Liu*. Effect of WC Nanoparticles on the Microstructure and Properties of WC-Bronze-Ni-Mn Based Diamond Composites. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1501; doi:10.3390/app8091501

[19] A. A. Kozhevnykov, Baochang Liu, A. A. Pashchenko. Automated control systems of the drilling process. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference “Rock Destruction and metal-processing tools – Engineering, Production Technology and Its Applications” (ISSN 2223-3938), pp40-45.(2018)
       [20] Baochang Liu, Siqi Li, Zhe Han, Xinzhe Zhao. Impregnated Drill Bits Strengthened by Nanoparticles for Mineral Exploration Drilling. Proceedings of International FORUM OF MINING ENGINEERS – 2018 (ISBN 978-617-7696-55-0), pp170-174
       [21] Youhong Sun, Chi Zhang, Baochang Liu*, Qingnan Meng*, Shaoming Ma and Wenhao Dai. Reduced Graphene Oxide Reinforced 7075 Al Matrix Composites: Powder Synthesis and Mechanical Properties. Metals. 2017, 7, 499; doi:10.3390/met7110499
       [22] Youhong Sun, Linkai He, Chi Zhang, Qingnan Meng, Baochang Liu, Ke Gao, Mao Wen & Weitao Zheng. Enhanced tensile strength and thermal conductivity in copper diamond composites with B4C coating. Scientific Reports | 7: 10727 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-11142-y
       [23] Shiqi Liu, Lei Han, Yongtao Zou, Pinwen Zhu, Baochang Liu*. Polycrystalline diamond compact with enhanced thermal stability. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 33 (2017) 1386–1391.
       [24] B. C. Liu, C. Li, S. Q. Liu, X. Cao. Improving heat resistance of polycrystalline diamond compact cutters with Co–Si–B binder for rock drilling. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference “Rock Destruction and metal-processing tools – Engineering, Production Technology and Its Applications” (ISSN 2223-3938), pp6-10.

 [25] S. Q. Liu, Z. R. Chen, Q. N. Meng, H. L. Zhou, C. Li, and B. C. Liu*. Effect of Graphene and Graphene Oxide Addition on Lubricating and Friction Properties of Drilling Fluids. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 9, 446–452, 2017.
       [26] Shaoming Ma, Youhong Sun*, Huiyuan Wang, Xiaoshu Lü, Ming Qian, Yinlong Ma, Chi Zhang and Baochang Liu. Effect of a Minor Sr Modifier on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of 7075 T6 Al Alloys. Metals 2017, 7, 13; doi:10.3390/met7010013.
       [27] A. Kozhevnykov, A. Dreus, L. Baochang. The procedure for determining pressure losses in washing fluid flow in hydraulic system of the core barrel. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Vol. 11 (2017), Issue 1, pp. 65-71
       [28] A. Dreus, K. Lysenko1, A. Kozhevnykov, B. Liu. Modeling hydrodynamics of the flushing fluid intermittent flow in the hydraulic system of the diamond bit. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Vol. 11 (2017), Issue 2, pp. 84-90
       [29] Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu* , Baisheng Wu, Baochang Liu. Closed form solutions for nonlinear static response of curled cantilever micro-/nanobeams including both the fringing field and van der Waals force effect, Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23(1), 163-174
       [30] Meng Li, Youhong Sun, Qingnan Meng, Haidong Wu, Ke Gao* and Baochang Liu*. Fabrication of Fe-Based Diamond Composites by Pressureless Infiltration. Materials 2016, 9, 1006; doi:10.3390/ma9121006.
       [31] Youhong Sun, Haidong Wu, Meng Li, Qingnan Meng, Ke Gao, Xiaoshu Lü and Baochang Liu*. The Effect of ZrO2 Nanoparticles on the Microstructure and Properties of Sintered WC-Bronze-Based Diamond Composites. Material. 2016, 9, 343; doi:10.3390/ma9050343. [18]

[32] Youhong Sun, Shaoming Ma, Huiyuan Wang, Lei Chen, Ke Gao,*, Yinlong Ma and Baochang Liu*. Effects of Complex Modification by Sr-Sb on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al–18 wt % Mg2Si–4.5Cu Alloys. Materials 2016, 9, 157; doi:10.3390/ma9030157.

[33] B. C. Liu*, S. Q. Liu, Z. R. Chen, Q. N. Meng, and Chuang Li. Oxide and Diamond Nanoparticles Modified Drilling Fluid for Deep, Complicated Drilling Conditions. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Vol. 16, 13007–13013, 2016.

[34] Youhong Sun, Qingnan Meng*, Ming Qian, Baochang Liu*, Ke Gao, Yinlong Ma, Mao Wen & Weitao Zheng. Enhancement of oxidation resistance via a selfhealing boron carbide coating on diamond particles. Scientific Reports | 6:20198 | DOI: 10.1038/srep20198.

[35] Xiaofeng Wang, Baochang Liu*, Ke Gao, Qingnan Meng and Youhong Sun. Analysis of thermal deformation and influencing factors in shrink-fitting assembly of aluminum alloy drill pipe. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 8(10) 1–15, 2016.

[36] Lei Han, Shanmin Wang, Jinlong Zhu, Songbai Han, Wenmin Li, Bijuan Chen, Xiancheng Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Baochang Liu*, Ruifeng Zhang, Youwen Long, Jinguang Cheng, Jianzhong Zhang, Yusheng Zhao, and Changqing Jin. Hardness, elastic, and electronic properties of chromium monoboride. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 106, 221902 (2015).

[37] Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu*, Baochang Liu. Brief and accurate analytical approximations to nonlinear static response of curled cantilever micro beams. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015, 56(3), 461–472.

[38] Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu* , Baochang Liu. A simple and accurate numeric solution procedure for nonlinear buckling model of drill string with frictional effect, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2015, 128, 44–52.

[39] Youhong Sun, Yongping Yu* , Baochang Liu. Closed form solutions for predicting static and dynamic buckling behaviors of a drillstring in a horizontal well, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2015, 49, 362–37.

[40] You-Hong Sun*, Feng-Tian Bai*, Xiao-Shu Lu, Qiang Li, Yu-Min Liu, Ming-Yi Guo, Wei Guo, Bao-Chang Liu. A Novel Energy-Efficient Pyrolysis Process: Self-Pyrolysis of Oil ShaleTriggered by Topochemical Heat in a Horizontal Fixed Bed, Scientific Reports, February, 2015,1-8

[41] Sun Youhong, Bai Fengtian*, Liu Baochang, Liu Yumin,Guo Mingyi,Guo Wei,Wang Qiuwen,Lu Xiaoshu,Yang Fang, Yang Yang. Characterization of the oil shale products derived via topochemical reaction method, FUEL,115 (2014) 338–346

[42] Fengtian Bai, Youhong Sun, Yumin Liu, Baochang Liu, Mingyi Guo, Xiaoshu Lv, Wei Guo, Qiang Li, Chuanbin Hou, Qiuwen Wang. Kinetic Investigation on partially oxidized HUADIAN Oil Shale by thermogravimetric analysis, Oil Shale, 2014, Vol. 31, No. 4, 377–393

[43] Youhong Sun, Jianshe Mao, Baochang Liu, Xiaopeng Fan. Advances of Continental Scientific Drilling Programs in China. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. Volume 07 (2014), No. 01, pp 5-15

[44] Jianshe Mao, Youhong Sun, Baochang Liu, Xiaofeng Wang, Gaopeng Zheng, Xianyang Sun. Research on interference connection of Aluminium alloy drill pipe body-steel tool joint assembly. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. Volume 07 (2014), No. 02, pp 533-539

[45] Jianshe Mao, Youhong Sun and Baochang Liu*. Research on one-shot process of hot extrusion forming technology for aluminum alloy drill pipe. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 415 (2013) pp 623-626

[46] Chen Zhaoran, Liu Baochang*, Liu Shiqi. Development of an impact tester for measuring dynamic strength of diamond grit[C]// International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. IEEE, 2015:2417-2421

[47] Baochang Liu, Zupei Zhang and Youhong Sun. Fabrication of Single Crystal Diamonds∕Cemented Carbide Composite Cutter for Rock Drilling. Geological Engineering: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (ICGE 2007), DOI: 10.1115/1.802922.paper47

[48] Youhong Sun, Chongmei Zhong, Liang Xu, Ke Gao, Luquan Ren and Baochang Liu. Non-Smooth Characteristic on Biological Surface and Development of Bionics Non-Smooth Diamond Bit. Geological Engineering: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (ICGE 2007), DOI: 10.1115/1.802922.paper42

[49] LIU Bao-chang, SUN You-hong, ZHANG Zu-pei. Processing of Diamond Enhanced Cemented Tungsten Carbide Insert for Rock Driling. Journal of Geoscience Research in North-East Asia, 2004, 7(2):200-204.

[50] B.C.Liu, Z.P.Zhang, Y.H.Sun, Sawing Trajectory and Mechanism of Diamond Wire Saw. Key Engineering Materials. Vols. 259-260(2004): 395-400

[51] B.C.Liu, Z.P.Zhang, Y.H.Sun, Development of Impact Strength Tester for Diamond Grit. Key Engineering Materials. Vol 250(2003): 287 -292

[52] B.C.Liu. Research on Increasing Diamond-holding Strength of Saw Blade Segment Matrix. Key Engineering Materials. Vols. 202-203 (2001): 339-344

[53] 王姝婧,刘宝昌,李闯,田烈余.含缓蚀剂钻井液对铝合金钻杆材料的腐蚀影响[J].探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程),2020,47(02):42-48.

[54] 赵新哲,刘宝昌,刘祥,马银龙. 金刚石钻头用WC基粉末制粒胎体性能试验研究[A]. 中国地质学会.第二十届全国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)学术交流年会论文集[C].中国地质学会:中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会,2019:7.

[55] 刘宝昌,李思奇,李闯,韩哲,赵新哲. 钢接头对铝合金钻杆在钻井液中腐蚀规律研究[A]. 中国地质学会.第二十届全国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)学术交流年会论文集[C].中国地质学会:中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会,2019:7.

[56] 韩哲,刘宝昌,周海龙,李思奇,赵新哲. 深水钻井铝合金隔水管材料腐蚀疲劳试验研究[A]. 中国地质学会.第二十届全国探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)学术交流年会论文集[C].中国地质学会:中国地质学会探矿工程专业委员会,2019:7.

[57] 刘宝昌,韩哲,赵新哲,李思奇,曹鑫. Ni-Ti-B粘结剂体系增强PDC的耐热性研究. 超硬材料工程[J],2019,31(1):1-5

[58] 刘宝昌,曹鑫,计胜利,韩哲,赵新哲. 孔底流场和温度场数值模拟与试验研究——以取心孕镶金刚石钻头为例. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程[J], 2018, 38(5):33-38

[59] 刘宝昌,曹鑫,孟庆南,朱品文,戴文昊. PCBN基体孕镶金刚石复合材料的制备与性能研究. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程[J], 2018, 38(5):21-27

[60] 刘宝昌,韩哲,李思奇,赵新哲,李闯,曹鑫. 胎体中含有铜锰阻尼合金成分的金刚石钻头研制及钻进试验. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程[J], 2018,38(4):30-35

[61] 刘宝昌,曹鑫,张弛,孟庆南,李闯. 深冷处理金刚石颗粒的性能表征. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程[J], 2018,38(4):6-10

[62] 刘宝昌,李思奇,韩哲,赵新哲,李闯,曹鑫. 纳米WC弥散强化孕镶金刚石钻头. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程[J], 2018,38(2):57-60

[63] 贾洪声,茹红强,朱品文,刘宝昌,鄂元龙,叶超超, 左斌,李季,李海波,贾晓鹏,马红安. 高耐热性金刚石复合材料的高压合成及其物相研究. 材料与冶金学报[J],2018,3(1):42-45

[64] 刘宝昌, 李闯, 张弛, 马少明,孙永辉. 冷组装铝合金钻杆螺纹副力学性能测试及失效分析[J]. 探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程), 2017, 44(6):13-17.


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[1] 刘宝昌,曹鑫,李闯,张弛,王海源,王彧佼。一种金刚石深冷处理方法。CN 107879341 B,2020.11.24,发明

[2] 刘宝昌,戴文昊,张帅,李思奇,朱月,陈朝然。一种石墨烯增强预合金基金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN109778040B,2020.08.25,发明

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[4] 刘宝昌,戴文昊,李思奇,韩哲,赵新哲,王姝婧。纳米碳化铌/碳纳米管增强金刚石复合材料及其制备方法,CN 109913682 B,2020.12.15,发明

[5] 刘宝昌,陈朝然,朱艺清,石佳鑫,曹鑫,戴文昊,王姝婧,朱月,李思奇,韩哲,赵新哲,张帅. 一种高韧性导电型聚晶金刚石复合片及其制备方法,CN110090963B,2020-08-18,发明

[6] 刘宝昌,赵新哲,李闯,曹鑫,李思奇,韩哲. 一种金刚石复合材料的深冷处理方法,CN107937784B,2020-03-10,发明

[7] 刘宝昌,李思奇,李闯,曹鑫,韩哲,赵新哲. 一种聚晶立方氮化硼/金刚石复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 吉林:CN107815580A,2018-03-20,发明.

[8] 刘宝昌, 刘时琦, 陈朝然, 孙永辉. 一种电解法脱除聚晶金刚石复合片中部分金属钴的方法:, CN201510283728.4. 2015-08-26.发明

[9] 刘宝昌;吴海东;孙友宏;马银龙. 一种纳米氧化锆弥散强化金刚石复合材料及其制备方法. CN201310105295.4. 2015-01-21. 发明

[10] 刘宝昌;孙友宏;严轩辰;马银龙;高科. 一种镍铝金属间化合物/金刚石复合材料及其制备方法. CN201310073290.8. 2015-05-20. 发明

[11] 刘宝昌;孙友宏;王晓峰;毛建设;高科;郭威;薛军;范晓鹏. 铝合金钻杆杆体和钢接头连接使用的冷组装装置. CN201320843664.5. 2015-12-30. 发明

[12] 刘宝昌;谭志松;孙友宏;于萍;李艳娇;高科. 铝合金钻杆接头热组装内冷却系统. CN201310703445.1. 2016-10-19. 发明

[13] 李思奇,刘宝昌,韩哲,赵新哲,戴文昊,朱月,王姝婧. 一种钻杆接头耐磨带. CN209742808U,2019-12-06,实用新型

[14] 李思奇,刘宝昌,赵新哲,韩哲,张帅,戴文昊. 一种耐磨金刚石扩孔器. CN209724228U,2019-12-03,实用新型

[15] 刘宝昌,韩哲,李思奇,赵新哲,戴文昊. 一种利用摩擦热能碎岩的孕镶金刚石钻具. CN209704495U,2019-11-29,实用新型

[16] 李闯;刘时琦;曹鑫;周海龙;王骕;刘宝昌. 模拟实际钻井环境的钻杆材料腐蚀疲劳试验装置. CN201720045371.0. 2017-08-11.实用新型

[17] 王骕;刘宝昌;周海龙;刘时琦;孙永辉;李闯;陈朝然;孙中瑾. 一种螺杆钻具马达. CN201620273219.3. 2016-08-03. 实用新型

[18] 王骕;刘宝昌;陈朝然;高科. 涡轮转子与定子的仿生非光滑叶片结构. CN201620101259.X. 2016-08-31. 实用新型

[19] 陈朝然;刘宝昌;刘时琦;王骕;王金百惠;孙永辉;李闯;周海龙. 金刚石颗粒取样笔. CN201521127359.1. 2016-06-01. 实用新型


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