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发布日期:2015-09-21 来源:bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站 编辑: 点击:



张敏:女,1986年4月生,工学博士,副教授、硕士生导师。现职于bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站隧道与地下工程系。 2008年6月本科毕业于bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站工程地质专业,2013年6月博士毕业于bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站地质工程专业,2013年7月至2016年8月,在bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站隧道与地下工程系任讲师,2013年10月至2016年9月,在同济大学土木工程学院地质资源与地质工程流动站做博士后研究,主要从事海底滑坡触发机理方面的研究工作。2016年9月至今,在bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站隧道与地下工程系任副教授,主要从事地质灾害防控、海洋工程地质、岩土体力学分析、岩土工程数值仿真模拟等方面的研究。 迄今,共发表学术论文21篇。其中,作为第一责任作者发表SCI检索论文6篇,EI检索论文4篇。作为并列主编,编写国家规划教材1部。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项、吉林省科技发展计划项目1项。




1. Zhang Min*,Nie Lei,Li Zechuang,Xu Yan. Fuzzy multi-objective and groups decision method in optimal selection of landslide treatment scheme. Cluster Computing. 2017, 20(2): 1303–1312(SCI检索) 2. Nie Lei,Li Zechuang,Zhang Min*.Deformation character and stability analysis of the landslide caused by the mining activity: a case study in the west open-pit mine, China [J].Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association,2016,22(1A):1001-1013(SCI检索) 3. Min Zhang*,Yu Huang,Yangjuan Bao.The mechanism of shallow submarine landslides triggered by storm surge [J].Natural Hazards,2016,81(2):1373-1383(SCI检索) 4. Min Zhang*,Lei Nie,Yan Xu,Shulin Dai.A thrust load-caused landslide triggered by excavation of the slope toe: a case study of the Chaancun Landslide in Dalian City, China [J].Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2015,8(9):6555-6565(SCI检索) 5. Lei Nie,Min Zhang*,Heqing Jian.Analysis of surface subsidence mechanism and regularity under the influence of seism and fault [J].Natural Hazards,2013,66(2):773-780(SCI检索) 6. Lei Nie,Min Zhang*,Shiwei Shen.Geological Environment and Slope Failure Mode in Southeast Region of Jilin Province, China[J].Disaster Advances,2013,6 (special.2):73-80(SCI检索) 7. Min Zhang*,Lei Nie.The Ermi Landslide Mechanism Analysis[C].The 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering,2011,3:2710-2713(EI检索) 8. Lei Nie,Min Zhang*,Heqing Jian.Study on the Mechanism of the Landslide of Heda Expressway K377[C].Advanced Materials Research,2011,255-260:3437-3443(EI检索) 9. 张敏*,佴磊,郭源,吕岩.断层对采空区地表沉降影响的模拟[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版),2012,42(6):1834-1838(EI检索) 10. Min Zhang*,Lei Nie,Yan Xu,Heqing Jian.Study on optimal treatment design of Chaancun landslide in Dalian city, China[J].WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences,2012,80:559-565(EI检索) 11. Min Zhang*,Lei Nie,Shulin Dai.Study on the Fault Response of the Goaf and its Collapse Mechanism[C].The Ninth International Symposium on Mitigation of Geo-disasters in Asia,2011:161-169 12. Min Zhang*,Lei Nie,Shulin Dai.Comprehensive treatment methods of Chaancun landslide in Dalian city, China[C].Progress of Geo-Disaster Mitigation Technology in Asia, Environmental Science and Engineering,2013:547-555 13. Yu Huang,Yangjuan Bao,Min Zhang,Chun Liu, Ping Lu.Analysis of the mechanism of seabed liquefaction induced by waves and related seabed protection [J].Natural Hazards. 2015,79(2):1399-1408(SCI检索) 14. Lei Nie,Zechuang Li,Min Zhang,Lina Xu.Deformation characteristics and mechanism of the landslide in West Open-Pit Mine, Fushun, China [J].Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2015,8(7):4457-4468(SCI检索) 15. 杨旭然,佴磊,张敏,苏占东,张晗等.吉林省白河地区泥石流物源的粒度成分和物理性质的研究[J].中国水运,2014,14(1):314-315(核心期刊) 16. Xin Chai,Lei Nie,Wenfei Mao,Min Zhang.Sensibility analysis of the Wen Zhutang Landslide stability based on Grey Correlation Analysis [J].AER-Advances in Engineering Research.2015,12:1302-1307(ISTP检索) 17. Nen gjuan Zhou,Lei Nie,Shiwei Shen,Min Zhang.Study on the Effects of Joints on Tunnel Blasting[C].Applied Mechanics and Materials.2012,105-107:1411-1414 (EI检索) 18. Yan Xu,Lei Nie,Shulin Dai,Min Zhang.Formation and Evolution of Chaancun Landslide in Dalian City, China[C].Advanced Materials Research.2011,250-253:1395-1399(EI检索) 19. 刘飞,佴磊,吕岩,张敏.分解度对草炭土结构特征及强度影响试验研究[J].bwin官网登录入口学报(地球科学版). 2010,40(6):1395-1400(EI检索) 20. Shen Shiwei,Nie Lei,Dai Shulin,Xu Yan,Zhang Min,Lv Yan.Motion characteristics of rolling rocks in Mujialiang collapse caused by the magnitude 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake [J].Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2015,8(12):10267-10276(SCI检索) 21. 吕岩,佴磊,徐燕,刘飞,张敏.有机质对草炭土物理力学性质的影响及机理分析[J].岩土工程学报.2011,33(4):655-660 (EI检索)


1. 佴磊,李泽闯,苏占东,吕岩,徐燕,沈世伟,张敏,徐丽娜等.滑坡时间中短期预报方法.2016.6.8,中国,ZL 201310641322.X 2. 王宏飞,佴磊,李泽闯,苏占东,徐燕,沈世伟,吕岩,张敏,徐丽娜等.一种开采沉陷变形预测预报方法.2016.10.12,中国,ZL 201410134224.1


1. 2016年度bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站优秀共产党员。 2. 2016年度bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站先进工作者。 3. 2013年获bwin官网登录入口教师岗前培训优秀教案一等奖。

