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发布日期:2015-09-21 来源:bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站 编辑: 点击:



吕岩,女,1983年5月生,工学博士、博士后,副教授、硕士生导师。现就职于bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站工程地质系,国际工程地质与环境协会(IAEG)会员。 2006年毕业于bwin官网登录入口岩土工程专业,获工学学士学位;2012年毕业于bwin官网登录入口地质工程专业,获工学博士学位;2013年-2017年在bwin官网登录入口交通学院交通运输工程博士后流动站做博士后研究工作,2012年起在bwin官网登录入口工程地质系任教至今。 作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项、吉林省科技发展计划项目1项,企业横向课题多项。同时参与4项国家自然科学基金,多项吉林省科技厅项目及企业横向课题的研究,发表SCI及EI检索论文二十余篇。




(1) Nie Lei, Huang Yaolong, Lv Yan*, Xu Yan, Wang Zhifan. Evolution Pattern of Engineered Road Turfy Soil Examined by Inversion and Analytic Hierarchy Process,Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2017, 16(9):2173-2180. (SCI) (2) Lv Yan, Wang Zhifan, Nie Lei. Adsorption Characterization of Lead(II) onto Roadside Soil in Turf Swamp, Oxidation Communications, 2017, 39(4):3877-3886. (SCI) (3) Lei Nie, Zechuang Li, Yan Lv, Hongfei Wang. A new prediction model for rock slope failure time: a case study in West Open-Pit mine, Fushun, China, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Enviroment, 2017, 76: 975-988. (SCI) (4) 王伟,张喜发,吕岩. 多年冻土区管道地基土开式冻胀试验,天然气工业,2017,37(10):93~ 99. (EI) (5) Wang Hong, Nie Lei, Xu Yan*, Lv Yan. The Effect of Highway on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soil in Turfy Swamps, Northeastern China,Water Air and Soil Pollution,2017, 228:292. (SCI) (6) Lv Yan , Liu Hanbing, Xu Yan. Impact of Highway Construction Roadbed Schemes on the Groundwater Environment in Seasonally-frosty Peat Swamp, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Assocation, 2016,22(1A):1058-1069. (SCI) (7) Yan Lv, Zhandong Su, Zhifan Wang, Hong Wang, Yunchao Zheng.Study on the Mechanical Characteristics of Turfy Soil with Different Decomposition Degree and Organic Content under CUAI Stress Path. Int J Earth Sci Eng, 2016, 9(2):612-616. (EI) (8) Yan Lv, Zhifan Wang, Zhandong Su, Hong Wang, Yunchao Zheng. The Study of Test Method Improvement for Organic Matter and Decomposition Degree of Turfy Soil. Chem Eng T, 2016, 51:151-156. (EI) (9) Nie Lei,Lv Yan,Li Miao,Influence of organic content and degree of decomposition on the engineering properties of a peat soil in NE China,Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2012, 45(4):435-446. (SCI) (10) Yan Lv,Nie Lei,Xu Kai,Su, Zhan Dong,Study on the difference between turfy soil and normalpeat soil in China,Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 105-107:1551-1554. (EI) (11) 吕岩, 佴磊, 徐燕, 刘飞, 张敏. 有机质对草炭土物理力学性质影响的机理分析, 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(4): 655~ 660. (EI) (12) Lv Yan,Nie Lei,Xu Kai,Study of the neural network constitutive models for turfy soil withdifferent decomposition degree,2011 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2011,Inner Mongolia, China,2011.7.15-2011.7.17. (EI)


(1) 佴磊,李泽闯,吕岩,等,一种滑坡监测数据对数拟合的预测预报方法[P],中国发明专利:ZL201510157652.0,授权日2017.09.25。 (2)王宏飞,佴磊,李泽闯,苏占东,徐燕,沈世伟,吕岩,等,一种开采沉陷变形预测预报方法[P],中国发明专利:ZL201410134224.1,授权日2016.10.12。 (3) 佴磊,李泽闯,苏占东,吕岩,等, 滑坡时间中短期预报方法[P],中国发明专利:ZL201310641322.X,授权日2016.06.08。 (4) 苏占东,佴磊,夏京,吕岩,等,全自动旋转薄壁式切土器[P],中国发明专利:ZL201310571742.5,授权日2016.3.23。


(1)2016年度bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站先进工作者。 (2)2012年获bwin官网登录入口教师岗前培训优秀教案三等奖。

