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发布日期:2022-03-02 来源:bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站 编辑: 点击:


曹琛,工学博士,副教授,博士生导师。长期从事InSAR及多源遥感技术在地表过程观测与地质灾害演化方面的应用研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金及子课题3项,吉林省自然科学基金面上项目1项,日本JAXA研究项目1项(EO-RA2),中国博士后科学基金1项,bwin官网登录入口“学科交叉融合创新”重点项目1项,横向项目2项。发表学术论文50余篇,总被引590次,以第一作者/通讯作者在发表SCI检索论文18篇,其中ESI前1%高被引论文1篇(工程地质顶级杂志Engineering Geology)、中科院一区3篇,中科院二区5篇。担任Remote Sensing客座编辑,担任IJRMMS、Science of the Total Environments、Remote Sensing等国际TOP期刊审稿专家。吉林省优秀博士学位论文获得者,入选bwin官网登录入口励新优秀青年教师培养计划,指导学生荣获“全国大学生工程地质创新实践大赛”特等奖,bwin官网登录入口第六届中青年双语教学大赛二等奖,bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站研究生教学比赛一等奖,bwin官网登录入口“优秀班主任”。
















[1]吉林省科技发展计划项目面上项目:极端降雨诱发山区崩滑灾害隐患的早期识别及其后效应研究(2023.01-2025.12)主持,在研, 10万;






[7]日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA):The 2nd Research Announcement on the Earth Observations (EO-RA2).(2019.04-2022.04)Co-PI,结题;






1.Chen Cao, Kuanxing Zhu, Peihua Xua , Bo Shan, Guang Yang, Shengyuan Song. 2022. Refined landslide susceptibility analysis based on InSAR technology and UAV multi-source data, Journal of Cleaner Production,133146.(中科院I区,TOPIF=11.072Cite1

2.Cao, C., Zhang, W.*, Chen, J., Shan, B., Song, S. & Zhan, J. 2021. Quantitative estimation of debris flow source materials by integrating multi-source data: A case study. Engineering Geology,291, 106222.ESI1%高被引论文(中科院I区,TOPIF=6.902Cite32

3.Zhang, W., Lan, Z., Ma, Z., Tan, C., Que, J., Wang, F.,Cao, C*. Determination of statistical discontinuity persistence for a rock mass characterized by non-persistent fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020,126, 104177.(中科院I区,TOP, IF=6.849Cite21

4.Lianjing Zheng, Qing Wang, Zeyu Wang, Fengyan Wang, andChen Cao*.Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Evolution Characteristics of Land Subsidence in Western Songnen Plain Using Multisource Remote Sensing.Lithosphere, 2022, 2904927.(中科院II区,IF=3.036Cite0

5.Cao, C.; Zhu, K.; Song, T.; Bai, J.; Zhang, W.; Chen, J.; Song, S. Comparative Study on Potential Landslide Identification with ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1A Data in Heavy Forest Reach, Upstream of the Jinsha River.Remote Sens.2022,14, 1962.


6.Wen Zhang, Jia Wang, Peihua Xu*, Junqing Lou, Bo Shan, Fengyan Wang,Chen Cao*,Xiaoxue Chen, and Jinsheng Que.Stability evaluation and potential failure process of rock slopes characterized by non-persistent fractures[J]. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2020, 20(11):2921-2935.


7.Xu Xiaoding, He Manchao, Zhu Chun*, Lin Y,Cao Chen*. A new calculation model of blasting damage degree-Based on fractal and tie rod damage theory. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 220:106619.(中科院II区,IF=4.898Cite19

8.Chun Zhu*, Dongsheng Wang, Xing Xia, Zhigang Tao, Manchao He,Chen Cao*.The effects of gravel cushion particle size and thickness on the coefficient of restitution in rockfall impacts. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 18:1811–1823.(中科院II区,IF=4.58Cite14

9.Yue Liu, Peihua Xu,Chen Cao*,Bo Shan, Kuanxing Zhu, Qiuyang Ma,Zongshuo Zhang & Han Yin (2021)A comparative evaluation of machine learning algorithms and an improved optimal model for landslide susceptibility: a case study, Geomatics, Natural Hazardsand Risk, 12:1, 1973-2001.(中科院III区,IF=3.922Cite2

10.Zhu, K.; Xu, P.;Cao, C*.; Zheng, L.; Liu, Y.; Dong, X. Preliminary Identification of Geological Hazards from Songpinggou to Feihong in Mao County along the Minjiang River Using SBAS-InSAR Technique Integrated Multiple Spatial Analysis Methods.Sustainability2021,13, 1017.(中科院III区,IF=3.889Cite13

11.Cao Chen, Chen Jianping, Zhang Wen*, Xu Peihua, Zheng Lianjing, Zhu Chun. Geospatial Analysis of Mass-Wasting Susceptibility of Four Small Catchments in Mountainous Area of Miyun County, Beijing[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(15): 2801.(中科院III区,IF=4.614Cite3

12.Shengwu Qin,Jiangfeng Lv,Chen Cao*,Zhongjun Ma,Xiuyu Hu,Fei Liu,Shuangshuang Qiao,Qiang Dou. Mapping debris flow susceptibility based on watershed unit and grid cell unit: a comparison study [J]. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2019, 10(1): 1648-1666.(中科院III区,IF=3.528Cite8

13.Zhu, C;Xu, XD;Liu, WR;Xiong, F;Lin, Y;Cao, C*;Liu, X. Softening Damage Analysis of Gypsum Rock With Water Immersion Time Based on Laboratory Experiment[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 125575-125585.(中科院III区,IF=3.367Cite41

14.Chen Cao, Shengyuan Song, Jianping Chen*, Lianjing Zheng, Yuanyuan Kong. An approach to predict debris flow average velocity. Water, 2017, 9, 205.(中科院III区,IF=3.39Cite8

15.Chen Cao, Peihua Xu, Jianping Chen*, Lianjing Zheng, Cencen Niu. Hazard Assessment of Debris-Flow along the Baicha River in Heshigten Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14, 30.


16.Chen Cao, Peihua Xu, Yihong Wang, Jianping Chen*, Lianjing Zheng , Cencen Niu. Flash Flood Hazard Susceptibility Mapping Using Frequency Ratio and Statistical Index Methods in Coalmine Subsidence Area. Sustainability,2016,8, 948.


17.Chen Cao, Qing Wang, Jianping Chen*, Yunkai Ruan, Lianjing Zheng, Shengyuan Song and Cencen Niu, Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Vertical Distribution Law of Precipitation Area: Case of the Xulong Hydropower Station Reservoir, Southwestern China. Water,2016,8(7), 270.(中科院IV区,IF=3.103Cite38

18.Cao Chen*, Zheng Lianjing, Liu Yaowu, Chen Donghui. AN APPROACH TO ASSESS DEBRIS FLOW SUSCEPTIBILITY[J]. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, 2018, 27(11): 7572-7578.(中科院IV区,IF=0.489Cite1







