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发布日期:2022-11-15 来源:bwin必赢中国唯一官方网站 编辑:吕优 点击:




Dr. Shanshan Yao joined College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University (JLU) as an Associate Professor in 2021. Before her appointment at JLU, she received her PhD from University of Regina in 2019 and had been a Research Associate within Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta until 2021.


1.多孔介质传质传热Heat and mass transfer in porous media

2.非常规油气藏开发Unconventional resources development

3.试井分析Well testing analysis

4.裂缝颗粒运移Particle transport in fractures



Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

11)Yao, S., Wang, Q., Bai, Y., and Li, H.* (2021) A Practical Gas Permeability Equation for Tight and Ultra-Tight Rocks.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering95, 104215. DOI: 10.1016/j.jngse.2021.104215.

10)Yao, S., Chang, C., Hai, K., Huang, H., and Li, H. * (2021) A Review of Experimental Studies on the Proppant Settling in Hydraulic Fractures.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering109211. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109211.

9)Wang, B., Zhang, Q.*,Yao, S.*, and Zeng, F. (2021) A Semi-Analytical Mathematical Model for the Pressure Transient Analysis of Multiple Fractured Horizontal Well with Secondary Fractures.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering109444. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109444.

8)Yao, S., Wang, X., Yuan, Q.,Guo, Z., and Zeng, F*. (2020) Production Analysis of Multifractured Horizontal Wells with Composite Models: Influence of Complex Heterogeneity.Journal of Hydrology583, 124542. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124542.

7)Guo, Z., Chen, Y.,Yao, S., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., and Zeng, F*. (2019) Feasibility Analysis and Optimal Design of Acidizing of Coalbed Methane Wells.Journal of Energy Resources Technology141(8), 082906.DOI: 10.1115/1.4042735.

6)Yao, S., Wang, X., Yuan, Q., and Zeng, F*. (2018) Transient Rate Analysis of Stress-sensitive Hydraulic Fractures: Considering the Geomechanical Effect in Anisotropic Shale.SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering21 (04), 863-888. DOI: 10.2118/182006-PA.

5)Zhang, Y.,Yao, S., Zhang, M., Zhou, X., Mei, H., and Zeng, F.*(2018)Prediction of Adsorption Isotherms of Multicomponent Gas Mixtures in Tight Porous Media by the Oil-Gas-Adsorption Three-Phase Vacancy Solution Model.Energy & Fuels32, 12166-12173. DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b02762.

4)Yao, S.,Wang, X., Yuan, Q., and Zeng, F*. (2018) Estimation of Shale Permeability with Process-based Pore Network Modeling Approach.Transport in Porous Media125, 127–148. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-018-1091-5.

3)Yuan, Q.,Yao, S., Wang, J., Zeng, F.*, Imran, M., and Knorr, K. D. (2017)Miscible Displacements with Concentration-dependent Diffusion and Velocity-induced Dispersion In Porous Media.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering159, 344-359. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2017.09.030.

2)Yao, S., Zeng, F.*, and Liu, H.(2016)A Semi-Analytical Model for Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells with Stress-sensitive Conductivities.Environmental Earth Sciences75, 34.DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4775-y.

1)Yao, S.,Zeng, F.*, Liu, H., and Zhao G. (2013). A Semi-Analytical Model for Multi-Stage Fractured Horizontal Wells.Journal of Hydrology507, 201-212.DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.10.033.


Conference Proceedings

6)Yao, S., Pini, R., Wang, X., Zeng, F., and Ju, N. (2018) Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Slip Flow Coupled with Gas Adsorption/Desorption Kinetics in Complex Pore Space.SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE 191540. DOI: 10.2118/191540-MS.

5)Zhang, Y., Wang, X.,Yao, S., Yuan, Q., and Zeng, F. (2018) Gas Adsorption Modeling in Multi-Scale Pore Structures of Shale.SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE 191632. DOI: 10.2118/191632-MS.

4)Yuan, Q., Wang, J.,Yao, S.,Zeng, F., Imran, M., and Knorr, K. D. (2017) Highly Accurate Simulation of Frontal Instability in Heavy Oil Recovery at Extremely Large Mobility Ratio.SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference.SPE 186083. DOI:10.2118/186083-MS.

3)Yao, S.,Wang, X., Li, M., Zeng, F., and Ju, N. (2016) A Composite Model for Multi-Stage Fractured Horizontal Wells in Heterogeneous Reservoirs.SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition. SPE 182016. DOI: 10.2118/182016-MS.

2)Yao, S.,Wang, X., Zeng, F., and Ju, N. (2016) Semi-analytical Modeling of Multi-Stage Fractured Horizontal Wells Coupled with Geomechanics: Considering Hydraulic Fracture Stress-sensitivity and Shale Anisotropy.SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition.SPE 182006. DOI: 10.2118/182006-MS.

1)Yao, S.,Wang, X., Ju, N., and Zeng, F. (2016) Improving the Estimations of Shale Permeability with Process-based Pore Network Modeling Approach.AAPG Eastern Section Annual Meeting. Search andDiscovery Article #42031.


1.Wang, X., Gao, R., Zeng, F.,Yao,S.,Liu, H., and Liang, Q. Method of Modelling Hydrocarbon Production from Fractured Unconventional Formations. US Patent US10458218B2.


3rd Place in Williston Basin Petroleum Conference Poster Competition 2019

Dean’s Honors Award List 2019

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholar 2017

Saskatchewan Innovation Opportunity Scholarship International 2016

FGSR PhD Graduate Research Fellowship, University of Regina 2015-2017

International Travel Award, University of Regina 2015, 2017

FGSR Graduate Scholarship, University of Regina 2012, 2015

2nd Annual Shen Kuo Research Exchange Scholarship 2014

FGSR Research Award, University of Regina 2012

First-Grade Scholarship, China University of Petroleum 2010

National Scholarship, China University of Petroleum 2008, 2009

